From Oct. 17, 2018, to Feb. 25, 2019, the Centre Pompidou is devoting an exhibition to Cubism –the first since 1953 in France!– in the form of a broad overview of the history of the movement between 1907 and 1917. The exhibition highlights the rich inventiveness and wide variety of the movement: not only did it introduce a geometric approach to forms and challenge classical representation, but its radical explorations and the creative drive of its members also paved the way to modern art. From its two famous inventors, Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, to other artists like Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, Francis Picabia, Marcel Duchamp, or Robert and Sonia Delaunay, 300 works shed light on the experimental and collective nature of the movement and its significant mark on art history.
TheWaysBeyond invites you on a Saturday morning, just before the opening time, to a guided visit with a museum mediator of this blockbuster exposition. Let yourself dive into the complexity of the masterpieces before visitors pour in.
Before the visit starts, a casual breakfast will be served in the famous Café Beaubourg right next to the Museum overlooking the inspiring Place George Pompidou.
A true arty Parisian morning on a beautiful autumn weekend.